My house is on the market. Yes, in this terrible real estate market, I am trying to move. We’ve actually been on the market since late January. We’ve done this before, but never during such a rough market (and never with a toddler). I do not envy my wife as she tries to keep our place show-ready while also trying to entertain our little hooligan. It’s so much work and the payout comes with comments like “Your house shows beautifully, but we want a basement.” Really? Did you read the MLS sheet? It’s pretty clear that we don’t have a basement! Or “Lovely home, we think we’ll be ready to buy next year.” Are you crazy? I mean I just spent 2 hours digging couscous from between the wood flooring with my kid screaming for more Sesame Street while he’s leaving new fingerprints all over the glass top tables I just cleaned for you to say that. Please, if you are a home buyer out there looking, have the courtesy to visit homes that make sense to your needs, visit when you’re actually ready to buy, and give a call if you’re not going to make your window because my little guy (and his dad) could really use a nap!